A World Of Gems – GEMKHANA 2014

A World Of Gems – This is GEMKHANA 2014
The Annual Gem & Mineral Show and Competition of lapidaries from all over NSW, presented by the Lapidary Council of NSW Inc.
Goulburn Showground Recreation Area, Braidwood Road, Goulburn, NSW 2580.
Labour Day Weekend 4 – 6 October 2014. Saturday October 4 – 10am to 5pm, Sunday October 5 – 10am to 5pm, Monday October 6 – 9am to 12 noon.
Sales and Displays, Demonstrations, Jewellery, Gem Faceting, Gemstones, Gem Identification, Minerals, Gemstone Carving, Crystals, Fossils, Beads & Equipment. Local and interstate Gem, Jewellery and Mineral Dealers, Raffle , Children’s Activities, Attractions for everyone of all ages, Refreshments, Plenty of parking Adults $3, Children $1, Families $8.
Contacts: Marilyn or John 02 9635 8218 or Arthur 02 4572 5812
NSW Gem Show Goulburn 2014 Flyer
Here are the Competition Conditions and Schedule for GEMKHANA 2014
Gemkhana 2014 Schedule
Visit our Galleries to see photos of beautiful exhibits from GEMKHANAs