
State Gem and Mineral Show, GEMKHANA 2025
The State Gem and Mineral Show, GEMKHANA 2025, will be held on Saturday 13th September and Sunday 14th September at Hawkesbury District Agricultural Showground, Clarendon. The show will feature handcrafted jewellery, faceted stones, polished stones (cabochons), stone carving, minerals, fossils and crystals.  Traders will be on site selling jewellery, crystals, cut stones, lapidary equipment, faceting and slabs
Competition Schedule and full details are on our State Gem and Mineral Show page

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Our Council’s aims are to:

1. Unite into one group clubs, societies or organisations in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory that are interested in lapidary, gemstones, minerals, fossils and allied crafts.

2. Promote and encourage GEMBOREE, GEMKHANA, exhibitions, competitions and other combined actvities.

3. Represent Members in any matters affecting their interests.

4. Assist in the formation and development of clubs, societies and organisations in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

5. Promote and liaise with all other state, federal and kindred organisations.


Our Council has a proud history of fostering the exchange of skills and knowledge amongst experienced crafts people, sharing their unique knowledge with their friends or willingly with strangers who have come together in the clubs, societies or organisations in NSW and the ACT.

We have promoted and encouraged the sharing of expert knowledge through our GEMKHANAS which are our State Gem and Mineral Show, GEMBOREES, exhibitions, competitions and other combined actvities.

The Council has also assisted in the formation and development of new clubs, societies and other new organisations in NSW and the ACT and liaised actively with kindred organisations across Australia.

The executive and workforce of the Council are entirely composed of delegates from member clubs and the Council is a member of AFLACA (Australian Federation of Lapidary and Allied Crafts Association).

The Council are proud of our history of governance and we therefore make available for our Members and interested stakholders a copy of our Association’s constitution which is called its Rules.

If you have any questions about our governance arrangements please contact our Secretary. Details are on our Contact Us page.

You may read the Constitution of our Association here
GLC Constitution Dec 2017